Dustless Sweeping Technology
The concept of dustless sweeping began in 1984 at TYMCO. TYMCO was asked by a customer if we could modify our Regenerative Air System to be able to sweep ultrafine material without the use of water for dust control in order to pick up lead dust.
For this customer, it was very important that the sweeper not only removes the lead dust from the paved surface but also contain the dust due to the toxicity of lead in higher concentrations.
TYMCO answered the call to assist this customer by integrating fabric filters into the Regenerative Air System in order to assist in capturing the ultrafine material. Dustless Sweeping Technology was born at TYMCO to try to help this customer with their need. As the years have gone by, the many different types of customer needs continue to help update and improve Dustless Sweeping Technology, which is reflective in the latest Model DST-6® and Model DST-4®.
The filters used in the Model DST-6 and Model DST-4 have been determined through independent laboratory testing using the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 52.2 testing standards to have a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 16 Rating, meaning they are able to capture a minimum of 95% of 0.30 micron and larger size particles.
The TYMCO Model DST-6 and Model DST-4 are street sweepers that can sweep in the harsh conditions of freezing weather and anti-skid material removal without the use of water as dust control, as well as provide year-round dust removal from sweeping surfaces, which reduces PM10 and PM2.5 (particulate matter) from the air, and have been verified by Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Canada to pick up about 90% of test material with a mean diameter of 3 µm (microns or micrometers) without the use of water for dust control.
The DST-6 and DST-4 are also industrial sweepers that do an excellent job of removing and containing dusty materials that contribute to poor aesthetics, air quality and stormwater runoff quality. TYMCO Dustless Sweepers help address environmental challenges that are created by the need to comply with regulations and to be good neighbors and corporate citizens.

TYMCO Model DST-6® Dustless Regenerative Air Sweeper
TYMCO Model DST-4® Dustless Regenerative Air Sweeper
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) validates environmental performance claims – such as reductions in pollutants and emissions – made by manufacturers and suppliers of technologies, processes and products designed to address environmental challenges.
ETV relies on science, high-quality data and recognized protocols to offer an independent assessment and verification of environmental performance claims. As a result, potential buyers and interested parties can make informed decisions about purchasing and using environmental technologies. As it relates to street sweepers, ETV gives these buyers and interested parties an additional metric to add to their decision-making process when procuring a street sweeper. Today, street sweepers are not used solely for aesthetics, but also for improved stormwater runoff quality and air quality. The TYMCO Model DST-6 and Model DST-4 have been ETV verified for PM10 and PM2.5 performance using the City of Toronto PM10 and PM2.5 Street Sweeper Efficiency Test Protocol. The Model DST-6 has also been verified for Operational On-Street Performance using the City of Toronto Operational On-Street Street Test Protocol. These Street Sweeper Efficiency Test Protocols were developed as part of the City of Toronto Clean Roads to Clean Air Program.
In 2016, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) created a new international standard – ISO 14034 Environmental Management – Environmental Technology Verification (ETV), making ETV an internationally recognized standard for environmental management.