News & Articles
Street Sweeping 101
Using street sweepers to improve water and air quality Since its inception in the early 1900s, mechanized street sweeping has been used to remove what might be termed “cosmetic” or “political” debris from roadways and other paved surfaces. Conventional wisdom has always dictated that if a street looked clean, it was clean. Today however, this […]
Learn MoreCities Discover that Street Sweeping Offers Plenty of Opportunities to Help Environment
On land, sea, and air, the humble job of street sweeping is becoming environmentally “cool.” As the cumbersome sweepers lumber along city roadways, their effect on the environment is clearly moving into the green zone. The machines are quieter. They run more efficiently. Their role in keeping waterways and shorelines cleaner is becoming more obvious. […]
Learn MoreAir Brushing for a Cleaner Sweep
After decades of spring street-cleaning with mechanical sweepers that remove pebbles and sand, metro-area cities are slowly acquiring “air” sweepers that pick up fine dust, too. Research shows that metals, phosphorous and other pollutants ride with finer particles into lakes, ponds and streams when it rains. And because cleaner streets mean cleaner water, cities such […]
Learn MoreLake Tahoe: New Road Sweepers Promise to Reduce Fine Sediments
Hidden in the cracks of the road, they are barely visible to the average driver – except as a plume of dust coming off a high-speed vehicle. Fine sediments, fine particles. Whatever the name, these minute pieces (smaller than a human hair) are the culprit for Lake Tahoe’s decreasing clarity, according to numerous scientific studies. […]
Learn MoreClean Sweep – Toronto
Toronto’s air will be much cleaner thanks to a new street sweeping program recently implemented by Canada’s largest city. Conventional mechanical street sweepers use a system of gutter brooms and main broom to sweep the dust and debris that typically accumulates on city streets and in gutters. While some of the material is collected by […]
Learn MoreClean Roads – Toronto Clean Roads to Clean Air
In brief The City of Toronto’s “Clean Roads to Clean Air” initiative was conceived as a potential means of cleaning the city’s air of a citywide and year-round health-based problem linked to “invisible” fine particulate matter1 which is particulate matter less than 10 microns aerodynamic diameter (PM10) which includes particulates less than 2.5 microns aerodynamic […]
Learn MoreSaying “Yes” to Sweeping
The Parsons Group demands quality from workers to provide quality for customers. If you don’t do the work you say you’re going to do, I’m going to come and get your job. It’s as simple as that,” says William Parsons, co-owner with brother Dan of The Parsons Group. “If you want to keep your sweeping […]
Learn MoreSan Antonio, Texas – Cleaning San Antonio
An Environmental System that Works The Clean Water Act of 1972, passed by Congress and amended by the Water Quality Act of 1987, established requirements, policy measures, and standards to be regulated and enforced by the EPA The EPA later established regulatory components under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Permit requirements for storm […]
Learn MoreNo More Dusty Trails.
In today’s environmentally conscious society, TYMCO manufactures sweepers that do a lot more than just pick up street litter. Drive through Tyler, Texas and you’ll notice that the city has, well, a rather rosy appearance. It’s not only because this colorful, flower-laden U.S. town is pegged “the rose capital of the world.” Tyler’s street maintenance […]
Learn MoreAirports – Dealing with FOD
The Dreaded Menace to Jet Aircraft As PT Jones, Senior Director of Maintenance Operation, surveys the runways and flight lines around Elsinore Airframe Services, Inc., there is a definite seriousness in his voice as he talks about foreign object damage (FOD) and the aircraft that frequent the Waco, Texas, maintenance and modification center. Jones is […]
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